
Where the workflow engine allows analyst to design process triggers using a graphical designer the EA.Gen.Hub.Script component enables recursive scripts to be executed in response to a trigger.

The Hub includes a sample Cyclomatic_complexity trigger that computes a simple complexity metric for a package or element. The script includes the integration to calculate complexity whenever an element is changed, or recursively for an entire repository on a scheduled basis

Script triggers enable metric driven Enterprise Architecture and automatic mapping of complex relationships like:

  • Data-Linage mapping for sources of summary data through interfaces and operational data stores in source systems.
  • Three-lines of defence tracking for complex processes that introduce risks (with start events), mitigate risks (with activities) and highlight audit breaches (with end events)
The language chosen for scripts is the F# functional language because it avoids the infine-loops that common with imperative code

The Hub uses the tried and trusted EA.Gen.Model Entity Framework library for data access to Sql/Server, Oracle and native eap files (though not recomended).






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